Facts about removing those wisdom teeth

Facts on wisdom teeth removal - Corner House Dental

Many people choose to have their wisdom teeth removed when they are young because once patients reach their 30’s or 40’s the procedure can be more difficult with a longer recovery time.

Here are some facts about removing those wisdom teeth:

You don’t need to get your wisdom teeth removed if they are correctly positioned in your mouth and don’t cause you any pain or dental problems.  If they are impacted or cause crowding in your mouth, your dentist will recommend that you have them removed.

There are two ways wisdom teeth may grow.  Some will grow in like regular teeth and others will become impacted.  Wisdom teeth remain below the surface of your gum line and lie horizontally instead of standing upright like they are supposed to, mostly because there isn’t enough room for them to grow.  Sometimes they sprout out sideways and towards another tooth.  Keeping an impacted wisdom tooth that slightly sprouts out sideways can be difficult because it can be a place for plaque and bacteria to accumulate.

Impacted wisdom teeth often collide with the roots of your molars and can be extremely painful.  In addition, while your impacted wisdom tooth is trying to erupt, the wisdom tooth itself can wear down the adjacent tooth and lead to several dental issues.

If you decide to keep your wisdom teeth, make sure that you floss daily and don’t forget to include those back teeth.

Wisdom teeth that cause minimal crowding and don’t hurt are fine to keep.  However, a lot of dentists will recommend that they be removed because they are prime suspects for cavities and are difficult to clean.

Some people get their wisdom teeth at a young age, while others get them in adulthood.  If you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, it is easier to have them taken out when you are younger because the healing process would be quicker.  However, if you are in your 40’s with all your wisdom teeth and they cause no oral health complications, taking them out is not necessary.  If you are unsure, you should see a dentist to get a proper wisdom tooth examination and treatment plan.

If you are concerned that you don’t have wisdom teeth this isn’t uncommon as sometimes they just don’t grow.

For those of you who are thinking about having your wisdom teeth removed, here are some soft food ideas that will make eating more comfortable after extraction:

  • Smoothies
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Scrambled Eggs
  • Hummus
  • Soup
  • Yogurt
  • Milkshakes
  • Jelly
  • Sorbet
  • Milk
  • Protein shakes

If you have problems with your wisdom teeth call us on 01603 621613 or share your experiences on our facebook page.