Protecting children’s teeth – what to know

Recently, it has been found that two in five children in England failed to visit a dentist in the past year. These statistics are nothing to smile about, as tooth decay is a preventable disease that can lead to dental problems throughout life. To help your child to fight off tooth decay, follow these simple tips and book your child an appointment with Corner House dental today.

Dental medicine and healthcare - human patient open mouth showing caries teeth decay


Ensure sweet treats are kept to mealtimes 

It is not always the case of how much sugar your child consumes, but how often that causes oral health problems. Keeping sugary treats to mealtimes, means that the teeth can be cleaned soon afterwards, preventing cavities which could be caused by sugar.

Give your child a glass of water after eating sugary products

This will help to produce salvia in the mouth, which will help to rinse away any bacteria and debris that could later turn to plaque and tartar. A glass of water also doesn’t contain any sugar, so it is the healthiest option for your child to drink whilst washing down any sweet stuff.

Help them with their brushing routine

It is advised that parents should brush for their children until they are 6 or 7 years old, focusing the toothbrush on where teeth and gums come together –  some children may wish to be independent and can refuse help. Sometimes it can help if you guide your child’s hand around their mouth, so they can feel the correct movement of the brush and learn for themselves.

Give them certain foods to clean the mouth

Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples and celery stimulates the production of saliva. This is beneficial for teeth, since saliva helps to protect the teeth from bacteria, by helping to break down and wash away bad bacteria that can form in between the teeth.

Book them in for regular dentist appointments

As soon as your child’s first milk teeth appear, take them for their first visit to the dentist. Many parents are misled into thinking they don’t have to take their child to the dentist until they get their first tooth. Cavities can still form in baby teeth, if there are not proper dental habits in place. The dentist can help prevent decay by identifying any oral health problems at an early stage. Try to make visits to the dentist as positive as you can and make the trip a really fun experience. This will prevent the child forming any phobias or worries about future visits.


If you would to arrange an consultation for you and your child, please do not hesitate to contact us today.