Protecting children’s teeth in Norwich this New Year

Over the festive period it is difficult for children to turn down all those delicious sweets, chocolates, biscuits and cakes.  Therefore, it is even more important for parents and guardians to keep an eye on the amount of sugary treats that the children consume.

Over the past month or so, you and the children may have neglected your oral health with the distractions of Christmas parties, plays, events and carol singing. This is why it is important to help protect your children’s teeth by introducing good dental habits this New Year.

Set specific times for sugary treats

By setting specific times for your children to indulge in their Christmas treats you are helping them to reduce their sugar intake and teaching them good habits.  They will be less likely to think about eating sweets all the time and will learn that sweets and treats should only be consumed at certain times, not as an all-day feast or instead of a regular meal.

.Treat your children to a new toothbrush this New Year

Toothbrushes are an essential part of helping to keep your children’s teeth clean as well as protecting them from tooth decay. Every child should own a toothbrush and brush their teeth at least twice a day. Start the New Year by treating yourself and your children to a new toothbrush. There are plenty of fun toothbrushes in the sales that feature a wide range of designs and colours.  Many children’s toothbrushes come with a musical timer so you can brush along to your favourite tunes, making brushing so much more fun.

Brush last thing at night and after breakfast daily

  • Use fluoridated toothpaste (1,350-1,500ppm fluoride).
  • Spit out after brushing and do not rinse, to maintain fluoride concentration levels.
  • The frequency and amount of sugary food should be reduced.

Don’t forget to book your 2015 appointment if you haven’t already. Call Corner House Dental today on 01603 621613 and why not tell us how you help your children look after their teeth on our facebook page?