The Shift Away From Surgical Facial Aesthetics Treatment

Since 2018, there has been a 44% drop in cosmetic surgery and a huge surge in the popularity of less invasive and non-surgical methods such as Botox treatment. The shift towards more subtle and natural results has brought about a change in the type of treatment people are seeking.

The desire for a natural-looking aesthetic

Whilst surgical methods work to alter a person’s features, non-surgical treatment such as Botox simply restores a younger-looking you, without permanently modifying areas of the face. Botox treatment temporarily reduces the amount of muscle activity across targeted areas of the face, thus eliminating evidence of wrinkles and giving the face younger-looking aesthetic.

Restoring confidence

At one time or another, we’ve all come across a horror story of cosmetic surgery going wrong, leaving the patient feeling emotionally affected for many years. As non-surgical treatments are temporary, if you’ve opted for too much or too little, you can always amend this the next time you have treatment and find the optimum amount of filler that’s right for you.

Moreover, the onset of ageing can be intimidating and leave your feeling anxious about the changes your face will go through. Botox can smooth out signs of ageing without dramatically changing your face and give you confidence going into your senior years.

Non-surgical FA treatment at Corner House

Here at Corner House, we can offer Botox treatment and our practitioners will sit down with patients before treatment to listen to their expectations in order to achieve the result they’re looking for. We have a ‘less is more’ approach to facial aesthetics treatments and find that patients are very satisfied with the natural-looking and subtle results we deliver.

Staying safe when having non-surgical treatment

It’s important to remember that ‘non-surgical’ does not mean ‘non-medical’. Treatments such as Botox should always be performed by a medical professional such as a dentist or doctor, who have the relevant anatomical knowledge to carry it out safely and effectively. Here at Corner House, our practitioners are highly skilled in how to carry out such treatments and will ensure you are suitable for such treatment by asking the right question about your medical history.


If you would like more information about non-surgical facial aesthetics at Corner House Dental, please give our Norwich dental practice a call and we can arrange a consultation appointment for you.