Halloween can be a challenging time for parents with regards to keeping your child’s teeth healthy. Here are a few tips on how to make Halloween fun without jeopardising the health of your child’s teeth.
Pick the right kind of treats
Halloween doesn’t have to be synonymous with eating lots of unhealthy snacks. Try picking out some healthier alternatives to give out to trick or treaters who come to your door and to your own children. Gingerbread is a softer alternative to hard candy and toffee sweets that can become lodged in between the teeth and contains less sugar than other types of sugary goods. Yoghurt-covered fruit and nuts are also a possible alternative, containing less sugar, though should still be consumed in moderation.
Delay brushing
Encouraging your child to brush their teeth right after having consumed sugar sweets may seem like a good idea but it’s actually better to wait a while before brushing as acidic foods can damage the teeth. This is because certain foods soften your tooth enamel, so when you brush straight after eating them, your tooth enamel may suffer more damage whilst them are still sensitive. Encourage your child to drink plenty of water after eating these kind of foods in order to rinse away the acidity and food particles as much as possible. Using a fluoride toothpaste will protect the mouth from cavities and decay.
Keep an eye out when costuming
Something which many people do not realise is that some types of Halloween make-up can damage your child’s teeth. Make sure you only purchase cosmetics that are designed for use in the mouth when painting your child’s face for Halloween. Many tutorials on YouTube may suggest using eyeliner to create a look such as a missing tooth but it’s actually better to use tooth blackout wax instead. Fake teeth and prosthetics have been found to contain high levels of lead; in 2008 brand of false teeth was recalled due to containing high levels of lead.
If you would like to book your child in for a routine check-up with us here at Cornerhouse, please do not hesitate to contact us.